
Travis D. Hill loves spending his board gaming time playing heavy economic train games, indie RPGs, fiddly war-games, and crunchy euros. Combining his fascination with language and love of gaming, making the jump into proofing and editing rulebooks was the perfect marriage between skills and passion.

Since 2014, he has been fortunate to work with a number of companies as a freelance proofreader and rulebook editor. He is now retired from rulebooks.

He has spent the last couple of years designing games on opposite ends of the spectrum, designing things that interact with us in a different way. He wants games to express desires, build empathy, value communication, and dig deeper into what moves and motivates us to do what we do.

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Donny Behne has been interacting with analog gaming since he was 10 years old when he received HeroQuest, Battle Masters, and WarhammerQuest (all of which he still has!) as Christmas gifts. From there, his passion spread to Magic: The Gathering (a significant influence in how he interprets and writes rules) and miniature wargames like Warhammer 40,000 before being introduced to designer boardgames in 2009.

Donny joined the team in October 2019 and loves editing because optimizing player learning feels much like solving a puzzle.

He will play most anything, but has a particular interest in complex dueling card games, heavy euros, quirky/offbeat themes, and games that demand introspection and inspire contemplation. He is working on designing his first game and hopes you like guacamole.

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Lindi Farris-Hill works full-time in industrial mining, part-time as an Ina Garten wannabe, and quarter-time as a graphic designer and music producer. Her artistic style is influenced by multi-hour Google image searches with a specialization in pressing buttons in Photoshop until an image looks passable; also, that one graphic design class she took in college for her Advertising degree.

When not scheming up quirky RPGs with her husband, Lindi can be found playing retro point-and-click adventure games or giving affection to their cat.